Addressing Opioid use in our Communities Prevention as Intervention (Native American Communities)
1.5 credits
Full course description
With the rapid national rise of opioid addiction and overdose rates since 2000 the Native American/Alaskan Native communities have been devastated. Our Native communities show rates two to three times higher than the national rates so what does this mean for the work that we are doing? This is the first of a two part interactive series that we will gather to discuss the progression of the disease called addiction; the impact in Indian country; and how we can start to fight back. Not to worry, you do not need to have a background in addiction or mental health to attend the series. You will walk away with a better understanding of the opioid epidemic and empowered to solicit change in your community.
Objectives: Participants will hear from peers; stories on addressing opioid use through prevention efforts. Participants will learn about the importance of building partnerships to increase access to resources. Participants will become familiar with effective community interventions in addressing opioid use.