Adolescent talking to online doctor

Adolescent Sexual Healthcare Post-COVID: The Case for Telemedicine

1 credit


Full course description


This training explores how adolescent sexual healthcare evolved during the COVID-19 pandemic and highlights the ongoing benefits of telemedicine in a post-pandemic world. Topics covered include challenges in STI screening, innovative testing approaches such as home-collected samples and point-of-care rapid testing, and strategies for ensuring equitable access to telehealth services.

Target Audience

Healthcare providers, public health professionals, school-based health staff, policymakers, and organizations involved in adolescent sexual and reproductive healthcare.

Learning Outcomes

After completing this training, you will be able to:

  1. Understand the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on adolescent sexual healthcare and STI screening.
  2. Identify the advantages and limitations of telemedicine for delivering adolescent sexual health services.
  3. Evaluate innovative STI testing methods, including home-collected specimens and point-of-care rapid diagnostics.
  4. Develop strategies to ensure equitable access to telemedicine services for diverse adolescent populations.


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