Healthcare professional educating on asthma

Asthma Home Visits Improving Quality of Life

1 credit


Full course description


This training focuses on the importance of asthma home visit programs and their impact on improving patient outcomes and quality of life. It discusses the roles of community health workers in assessing environmental triggers, providing patient education, and serving as a bridge between families and healthcare providers. The training also highlights the challenges and successes of in-home and virtual visits, as well as strategies for effective intervention.

Target Audience

Healthcare professionals, community health workers, and public health educators involved in asthma management and patient care.

Learning Outcomes

After completing this training, you will be able to:

  1. Explain the benefits of asthma home visits in identifying and addressing environmental triggers.
  2. Describe the role of community health workers in providing patient education and support.
  3. Implement strategies to improve asthma control, including inhaler technique education and reducing home triggers.
  4. Utilize resources and partnerships to enhance the effectiveness of asthma home visit programs.


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