Feet of a newborn baby and a adult hand

Caring for Newborns

1.5 credits


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This training provides essential guidance on breastfeeding, safe sleep practices, and proper bathing techniques for newborns. It covers best practices for establishing a successful breastfeeding routine, ensuring a safe sleep environment to prevent SIDS, and safely bathing a newborn to maintain hygiene and warmth.

Target Audience

This training is designed for new parents, caregivers, and healthcare professionals who care for newborns and want to ensure the best practices for feeding, sleep safety, and hygiene.

Learning Outcomes

After completing this training, you will be able to:

  1. Understand the importance of frequent breastfeeding and recognize signs of effective latching.
  2. Implement safe sleep practices using the ABCDEs (Alone, Back, Crib, Don’t Smoke, Every Time) to reduce the risk of SIDS.
  3. Perform a safe and effective sponge bath for a newborn while maintaining body temperature.
  4. Recognize when to seek professional assistance for breastfeeding challenges or sleep-related concerns.


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