Children Caught in Invisible Chains: Coercive Control Domestic Abuse & Children
1.5 credits
Full course description
This training explores the impact of coercive control in domestic abuse cases, with a specific focus on how it affects children. It covers the psychological and emotional consequences of coercive control, the intersection of domestic abuse and child abuse, and strategies for supporting children exposed to this form of abuse.
Target Audience
Domestic violence professionals, child welfare workers, social workers, educators, mental health professionals, and legal advocates involved in supporting survivors and children.
Learning Outcomes
After completing this training, you will be able to:
- Identify coercive control and its impact on both partners and children in abusive relationships.
- Recognize the signs of trauma in children who have been exposed to coercive control and domestic abuse.
- Understand post-separation abuse, including legal abuse and its effects on victims and children.
- Implement trauma-informed strategies to support and protect children from the harmful effects of coercive control.