Comprehensive Approach to Domestic Violence: Understanding, Screening, Intervening, and Safety Planning

Comprehensive Approach to Domestic Violence: Understanding, Screening, Intervening, and Safety Planning

8.5 credits


Full course description


This training provides insights into distinguishing between hurtful and abusive behaviors, understanding patterns of abuse, and implementing strategies for abusive partners to reduce their harmful behavior. Participants will learn practical tools such as interruption techniques and response delays to manage abusive tendencies.

Target Audience

Mental health professionals, counselors, social workers, and advocates working with individuals in abusive relationships or addressing abusive behaviors.

Learning Outcomes

After completing this training, you will be able to:

  1. Differentiate between hurtful and abusive behaviors.
  2. Identify patterns of abuse and understand their impact on victims.
  3. Explain the concept of the "bully effect" and its role in creating a climate of fear.
  4. Employ tools like response delays, timeouts, and interruption techniques to help manage abusive tendencies.


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