Consent, Sex Positivity, and Pleasure: Filling the Gaps in Sex Education
About This Course
This course focuses on the importance of sex positivity, sexual health, and comprehensive education as key components of individual well-being and societal progress. It explores the critical intersections of sexual pleasure, rights, and justice, emphasizing the need for inclusive, affirming, and shame-free approaches to sex education for all age groups. Participants will gain insights into overcoming barriers in medical, educational, and familial contexts to support healthy sexual development and relationships. The course highlights the role of sexual rights as human rights and discusses strategies for fostering communication, consent, and equity in sexual experiences.
Target Audience
Healthcare professionals and educators seeking to enhance their understanding and implementation of sex-positive education and sexual health practices.
Learning Outcomes
After completing this training, you will be able to:
- Explain the principles of sex-positive education and its role in promoting individual and societal well-being.
- Address barriers in medical and educational contexts that limit comprehensive discussions about sexual health.
- Integrate topics of consent, pleasure, and healthy relationships into sexual health education and practice.
- Advocate for equitable access to sexual rights and education as a component of sexual justice.