happy family

Detection and Treatment of Mood and Anxiety Disorders in Pregnancy and Postpartum

1 credit


Full course description


This training provides an overview of mood and anxiety disorders that can occur during pregnancy and postpartum, with a focus on their detection and management. Participants will learn about depression, postpartum psychosis, anxiety disorders, and trauma-related conditions in the perinatal period. The session covers the effects of untreated perinatal mental illness, strategies for effective screening and diagnosis, and evidence-based treatments, including psychotherapy, medication, and complementary approaches.

Target Audience

Healthcare providers, including obstetricians, primary care physicians, mental health practitioners, and anyone working with perinatal populations.

Learning Outcomes

After completing this training, you will be able to:

  1. Understand the different mood and anxiety disorders associated with pregnancy and postpartum, including depression, anxiety, and postpartum psychosis.
  2. Identify risk factors, signs, and symptoms of perinatal mood disorders and their potential impact on the mother, child, and family.
  3. Learn effective approaches for screening, diagnosing, and treating perinatal mood disorders, including psychotherapy, medication, and complementary therapies.
  4. Recognize the importance of trauma-informed care and how to manage cases of comorbid trauma, substance use, and mental health conditions during the perinatal period.


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