Domestic Violence: Bystander Intervention

Domestic Violence: Bystander Intervention

1 credit


Full course description


This training explores domestic violence and the role of bystander intervention in preventing harm. Participants will learn about the cycle of abuse, types of domestic violence, reasons victims stay, and how to safely intervene as a bystander using recommended strategies.

Target Audience

Community members, educators, law enforcement, healthcare professionals, social workers, and individuals who want to support domestic violence survivors and promote safe intervention strategies.

Learning Outcomes

After completing this training, you will be able to:

  1. Identify different types of domestic violence and understand the cycle of abuse.
  2. Recognize the warning signs of abuse in victims and abusers.
  3. Understand barriers that prevent victims from leaving abusive relationships.
  4. Apply safe and effective bystander intervention techniques using the "D’s" of intervention: Distract, Delegate, and Debrief.


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