Assessing decisional capacity.

Elder Adult Decision Making

1 credit


Full course description


This training provides an overview of decisional capacity, its ethical implications, and how healthcare professionals can assess and support decision-making in patients. It covers the four key decision-making abilities, myths about capacity, and alternative approaches such as supported decision-making.

Target Audience

Healthcare professionals, social workers, legal guardians, and caregivers involved in assessing and supporting patient autonomy and decision-making.

Learning Outcomes

After completing this training, you will be able to:

  1. Identify the four realms of capacity assessment: financial, testamentary, dispositional, and medical decision-making capacity.
  2. Explain the four key abilities used to determine decisional capacity: understanding, appreciation, reasoning, and choosing.
  3. Recognize common myths about decisional capacity and the importance of individualized assessments.
  4. Describe supported decision-making as an alternative to guardianship for individuals with limited capacity.


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