doctors treating the patient

Guidance for Healthcare Workers Serving Individuals Who are Blind, Visually Impaired or Deaf

1 credit


Full course description


This training guide provides healthcare workers with essential practices for serving individuals who are blind, visually impaired, or deaf-blind. It emphasizes communication techniques, patient orientation methods, and compliance with accessibility standards such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Target Audience

Healthcare workers, caregivers, and medical staff responsible for providing care to patients with visual sensory disabilities.

Learning Outcomes

After completing this training, you will be able to:

  1. Communicate effectively with patients who are blind, visually impaired, or deaf-blind using preferred methods of communication.
  2. Orient patients to their surroundings using descriptive language and their vantage point.
  3. Understand and apply ADA-mandated accessibility measures to ensure equitable care.
  4. Identify and implement strategies to support independence and comfort for visually impaired individuals.


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