
Healthcare Workforce Resilience Through Psychological First Aid

2 credits


Full course description

Whether you are a leader or a team member, you know how important the people you work with are to your organization’s success. This course offers you the opportunity to consider and pursue strategies for supporting colleagues and team members during a disaster response as stress levels increase for workers and the demands on your organization become more urgent. The goal of this course is to help individuals you work with cope with stress at manageable levels making it possible for them to effectively function and build resilience with each successive event they encounter.

Climate change, the increasing frequency of extreme weather events, and a global pandemic have put workers across the workforce sectors in challenging and often distressing circumstances. Individuals who possess effective coping and stress management skills characterize a resilient workforce. You can help to build a resilient workforce by learning more about and practicing Psychological First Aid (PFA).

This course was developed in partnership between ASPR and NACCHO through a cooperative agreement (6 HITEP 160039).

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