Heroin: A Commonwealth Crisis

Heroin: A Commonwealth Crisis

1 credit


Full course description


This training focuses on the opioid epidemic in Pennsylvania, exploring the transition from prescription drugs to heroin, effective overdose treatments, and strategies for prevention and rehabilitation. It emphasizes community engagement, education, and family involvement as critical components in combating opioid addiction.

Target Audience

Healthcare providers, educators, community leaders, and families impacted by or working to prevent opioid addiction.

Learning Outcomes

After completing this training, you will be able to:

  1. Understand the economic and social factors driving the transition from prescription drugs to heroin.
  2. Explain the role and effectiveness of naloxone in reversing opioid overdoses.
  3. Identify risk and protective factors for teenage substance abuse.
  4. Advocate for and implement community-based solutions to reduce the prevalence of opioid addiction.


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