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How Racial Politics Shaped American Healthcare

1.5 credits


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This training explores the historical role of segregated medicine in shaping American healthcare, focusing on the Homer G. Phillips Hospital. It examines the dual role of segregated hospitals as spaces of medical exclusion and empowerment, the impact of the Flexner Report, and the long-term implications for African American health equity.

Target Audience

Healthcare professionals, historians, policymakers, and students interested in understanding the intersection of race, medicine, and public health in the United States.

Learning Outcomes

After completing this training, you will be able to:

  1. Describe the historical role of segregated hospitals like Homer G. Phillips in training Black healthcare professionals.
  2. Analyze the long-term impacts of the Flexner Report on Black medical education.
  3. Evaluate the social and economic factors that led to the decline of segregated hospitals.
  4. Propose strategies for addressing historical inequities in modern healthcare systems.


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