Blood Pressure Machine and Stethoscope Graphic

Hypertension: Background Medical Information

1 credit


Full course description


This training provides a comprehensive overview of hypertension, including its types, causes, diagnosis, complications, and treatment options. Participants will gain insights into the pathophysiology of hypertension, key risk factors, and effective strategies for management to reduce associated health risks.

Target Audience

Healthcare professionals, medical students, and individuals seeking a deeper understanding of hypertension and its impact on health.

Learning Outcomes

After completing this training, you will be able to:

  1. Understand the differences between primary (essential) and secondary hypertension.
  2. Identify key risk factors and complications associated with hypertension.
  3. Interpret blood pressure readings and classify hypertension stages accurately.
  4. Apply evidence-based lifestyle modifications and pharmacologic interventions for hypertension management.


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