illustration of sad child with a large shadow

Impact of Childhood Events on Trauma

1.5 credits


Full course description


This training explores the connection between adverse childhood events (ACEs) and substance use disorders (SUDs). Participants will understand how childhood trauma shapes developmental outcomes, predisposing individuals to addiction and how trauma-informed care can improve treatment strategies.

Target Audience

Healthcare providers, therapists, counselors, and community support workers focused on addiction recovery and mental health.

Learning Outcomes

After completing this training, you will be able to:

  1. Explain the dose-dependent relationship between ACEs and adult health outcomes.
  2. Identify the ten variables of adverse childhood events included in the ACE study.
  3. Describe the principles of trauma-informed care and their application in treating SUDs.
  4. Apply evidence-based approaches like Seeking Safety to address trauma and substance use disorders concurrently.


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