
Medical Nutrition Therapy in Obesity Management

1 credit


Full course description


This training explores the Canadian Obesity Clinical Practice Guidelines' approach to medical nutrition therapy (MNT) for obesity management. The focus is on evidence-based strategies to improve health and quality of life through individualized nutrition interventions, moving away from weight-centric outcomes.

Target Audience

Healthcare providers, dietitians, and clinicians involved in obesity management and nutrition counseling.

Learning Outcomes

After completing this training, you will be able to:

  1. Understand the principles and components of medical nutrition therapy (MNT) in obesity management.
  2. Identify key recommendations from the Canadian Obesity Clinical Practice Guidelines regarding nutrition.
  3. Implement patient-centered, non-weight-focused nutrition interventions.
  4. Recognize the importance of integrating registered dietitians into multidisciplinary care teams for optimal outcomes.


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