the belly of a pregnant woman

Preventing Maternal Mortality

5 credits


Full course description


This training focuses on the critical factors contributing to maternal mortality worldwide and the strategies for prevention and reduction. It emphasizes common causes such as hemorrhage, effective interventions like the administration of oxytocin postpartum, and the vital role of community health workers in educating and supporting pregnant women. Additionally, it highlights the importance of family planning and monitoring maternal health indicators.

Target Audience

This training video will be helpful to healthcare providers, community health workers, public health professionals, and policymakers aiming to reduce maternal mortality and improve maternal health outcomes, particularly in low-resource settings.

Learning Outcomes

After completing this training, you will be able to:

  1. Identify hemorrhage as one of the most common causes of maternal mortality worldwide.
  2. Understand how the immediate administration of oxytocin postpartum prevents postpartum hemorrhage.
  3. Recognize the role of community health workers in educating women about maternal health and danger signs.
  4. Explore the importance of expanding access to family planning services in addressing maternal mortality.
  5. Explain the maternal mortality ratio (MMR) as a primary indicator of maternal health.


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