
ACHIEVE GREATER Race-Based Trauma Informed Healthcare

3 credits

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Full course description


This training module, ACHIEVE GREATER: Race-Based Trauma-Informed Healthcare, equips participants with knowledge and strategies to address trauma and its impact on health, particularly in the context of racial and racialized health disparities. Through an exploration of trauma-informed care principles, the consequences of trauma, and the effects of childhood abuse on brain development, participants will learn how to provide compassionate, culturally sensitive, and effective care. The module also addresses the nuanced distinction between racial and racist health disparities and highlights examples of health disparities across various conditions.

Target Audience

Community Health Workers, healthcare providers, public health practitioners, social workers, educators, and others seeking to provide trauma-informed, race-conscious care to improve health equity and address disparities.

Learning Outcomes

After completing this training, you will be able to:

  1. Identify the key elements of trauma-informed care and their application in addressing the needs of individuals affected by trauma.
  2. Recognize the consequences of trauma, including physical, emotional, and cognitive impacts, and their relevance to patient care.
  3. Explain how childhood abuse impacts brain development and its implications for social and emotional functioning.
  4. Describe examples of health disparities across cardiovascular health, behavioral health, and diabetes, and understand their systemic roots.
  5. Differentiate between racial and racist health disparities, identifying how systemic factors and individual prejudice contribute to inequities in healthcare.