Full course description
This training explores the social determinants of public health, focusing on how socioeconomic status, social identity, and religion impact health outcomes globally. It also addresses the intersection between public health and religion, emphasizing its role in social support, control, and capital within communities.
Target Audience
This training video will be helpful to:
Health professionals, public health policymakers, educators, and students interested in understanding the broader factors influencing public health outcomes.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this training, participants will be able to:
- Define social determinants of public health and identify key factors like socioeconomic status and social identity.
- Explain how socioeconomic status and social environments influence individual and population health.
- Analyze the role of religion as a social determinant and its impact on public health actions.
- Discuss the interdependence of health and religion in community well-being and public health responses.