Speech therapy session

Speech Therapy in Dementia Care

1.5 credits


Full course description


This training explores the role of speech-language pathologists (SLPs) in dementia care, focusing on assessment, intervention strategies, and communication modifications. It covers speech, language, and communication challenges in individuals with dementia and introduces therapeutic approaches to enhance patient autonomy and engagement.

Target Audience

Healthcare providers, speech-language pathologists, caregivers, dementia specialists, and family members supporting individuals with dementia-related communication challenges.

Learning Outcomes

After completing this training, you will be able to:

  1. Understand the impact of dementia on speech, language, and communication abilities.
  2. Recognize when to refer individuals to a speech-language pathologist for assessment and intervention.
  3. Identify and implement communication strategies to support individuals with dementia.
  4. Differentiate between therapeutic approaches such as restitutive, compensatory, and palliative interventions.


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