the words "Trauma-Informed Care in HIV Prevention and Care Services "

Trauma-Informed Care in HIV Prevention and Care Services

1 credit


Full course description


This training provides an in-depth understanding of the importance of trauma-informed approaches in HIV prevention and treatment. It explores the prevalence and impact of trauma on individuals at risk of or living with HIV, examines effective interventions, highlights existing gaps, and offers recommendations to enhance care delivery.

Target Audience

Healthcare professionals, policymakers, and organizations involved in HIV prevention and treatment.

Learning Outcomes

After completing this training, you will be able to:

  1. Recognize the role of trauma in influencing HIV risk behaviors and treatment adherence.
  2. Identify effective trauma-informed intervention strategies for diverse populations.
  3. Assess the gaps in current interventions and their implications on care delivery.
  4. Develop strategies to integrate trauma-informed principles into HIV prevention and treatment services.


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