Understanding Women Who Unsilenced Domestic Non-State Torture-Trafficking Victimizations

Understanding Women Who Unsilenced Domestic Non-State Torture-Trafficking Victimizations

1 credit


Full course description


This training explores non-state torture (NST) and its intersection with domestic violence, human trafficking, and organized criminal networks. It defines NST, differentiates it from state-perpetrated torture, and provides insight into the tactics used by perpetrators. The session also highlights survivor experiences, the impact of NST on victims' mental health, and strategies for trauma-informed care. Participants will learn how to recognize, validate, and support survivors of NST within domestic violence and human trafficking contexts.

Target Audience

Domestic violence advocates, social workers, law enforcement, healthcare professionals, legal professionals, and organizations working with survivors of torture, trafficking, and intimate partner violence.

Learning Outcomes

After completing this training, you will be able to:

  1. Understand the distinction between state and non-state torture and recognize NST as a human rights violation.
  2. Identify key methods and patterns of non-state torture within intimate relationships, human trafficking, and organized crime networks.
  3. Recognize psychological and physical trauma responses in survivors of non-state torture.
  4. Implement trauma-informed and victimization-aware care strategies to support survivors in healing and seeking justice.


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