health physician and an old patient

Urinary Tract Infection Care in Long-term Care Facilities

1 credit


Full course description


This training provides an in-depth understanding of NHSN UTI surveillance, focusing on reporting requirements, definitions, and differentiating between catheter-associated and non-catheter-associated UTI events. It includes examples and step-by-step guides for identifying and categorizing UTI cases in long-term care settings.

Target Audience

Healthcare professionals, infection preventionists, long-term care facility staff, and anyone responsible for data submission and reporting under NHSN guidelines.

Learning Outcomes

After completing this training, you will be able to:

  1. Accurately categorize UTI events as SUTI, CA-SUTI, or ABUTI using NHSN criteria.
  2. Apply key terms such as "date of event," "indwelling catheter," and "positive urine culture" effectively.
  3. Utilize NHSN resources, including protocols and FAQs, to address challenging UTI surveillance scenarios.
  4. Maintain accurate monthly reporting plans and ensure compliance with NHSN reporting requirements.


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