Youth Cannabis Education and Prevention Campaign

Youth Cannabis Education and Prevention Campaign

1 credit


Full course description


In May 2023, the Substance and Addiction Prevention Branch hosted a webinar, “Youth Cannabis Education and Prevention Campaign & Your Part,” which presented current California Department of Public Health (CDPH) campaigns targeting youth ("Mind Over Marijuana") and parents/guardians ("Let's Talk Cannabis") and offered related resources for local implementation. The "Cannabis Corner" training series expands on this topic with two episodes: the first establishes the foundational role of public health in community health and explores the link between cannabis legislation and population health; the second provides a historical overview of cannabis use, policy, and culture in the U.S., along with an introduction to the American cannabis industry.

Target Audience

This training video will be helpful to:

Community Health Workers, Health Professionals, Community Leaders 

Learning Outcomes

After completing this training, you will be to:

  1. Identify current California Department of Public Health (CDPH) cannabis education and prevention campaigns
  2. Explain the role of public health in addressing cannabis-related issues
  3. Describe the relationship between cannabis legislation and population health
  4. Summarize the history of cannabis use, policy, and culture in the U.S. and the structure of the American cannabis industry


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